суббота, 5 октября 2013 г.

Bryce Canyon: released!

Lastly I have so much sudden stuff here and there so I literally forgot to post it here in my blog.
The Bryce Canyon Raceway is released! Currently it's v1.02 already, fixing sudden problems with pit timing and lacking shared texture. (all people who tested the track had other my tracks installed, so we missed it during beta test).

Download: http://www.nogripracing.com/details.php?filenr=39186
Mirrors: http://www.sendspace.com/file/psnbkc
https://mega.co.nz/#!JYRR0QKJ!FZw-qGsCn ... HYpqYhpAcc

See readme.pdf file for all the RFE installation instructions.

...and have fun!

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